Unlocking the Nutritional Power of Broccoli Sprouts

Unlocking the Nutritional Power of Broccoli Sprouts


Ever wonder how something so small could pack such a punch? Sprouts are tiny, yes. But don’t let their size fool you. These little greens are bursting with nutrients that can do wonders for your health.

In fact, the study "Edible Plant Sprouts: Nutritional and Health Benefits" by Aloo et al. (2021) reveals just how amazing these superfoods really are. Think of sprouts as nature's way of giving you a concentrated dose of everything good—vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and more.

Why Sprouts?

Why should you care about sprouts? Simple. They’re loaded with nutrients. We’re talking about vitamins like C, E, and K, plus minerals like calcium and magnesium. These aren’t just for show—they help keep your immune system strong, bones healthy, and everything else running smoothly.

But it doesn’t stop there. Sprouts are also packed with antioxidants. These little guys help fight off the bad stuff in your body—like inflammation and oxidative stress—that can lead to chronic diseases. Plus, they’re rich in enzymes that make it easier for your body to digest food and absorb nutrients.

Here's What the Study Found

Let’s break down what the study by Aloo et al. (2021) uncovered about the nutritional and health benefits of edible plant sprouts:

1. High in Essential Nutrients

  • Vitamins: Sprouts are a powerhouse of vitamins, particularly vitamins C, E, and K. These are crucial for immune support, skin health, and blood clotting.
  • Minerals: Calcium, magnesium, potassium, and more! These minerals are key to maintaining healthy bones, muscle function, and overall wellness.

2. Rich in Antioxidants

  • The sprouting process boosts the levels of antioxidants in seeds. These antioxidants protect your cells from damage, reduce inflammation, and can help prevent diseases like cancer and heart disease.

3. Excellent Source of Plant-Based Protein and Fiber

  • Sprouts from legumes and pulses are especially rich in protein and dietary fiber. Protein is vital for muscle repair and growth, while fiber aids digestion and helps maintain a healthy weight.

4. Loaded with Digestive Enzymes

  • Sprouts contain high levels of enzymes that make it easier for your body to digest food. These enzymes also improve nutrient absorption, making sure you get the most out of what you eat.

5. Boosts Immune Function

  • With their mix of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, sprouts are a fantastic way to give your immune system a natural boost. They help your body fight off infections and keep you feeling your best.

6. Supports Weight Management

  • Sprouts are low in calories but high in nutrients, making them an ideal food for weight management. They fill you up without filling you out, so you can stay satisfied and healthy.

7. Promotes Heart Health

  • The fiber and antioxidants in sprouts work together to lower cholesterol levels, improve blood pressure, and reduce the risk of heart disease.

Here's How to Make it Happen

Eating sprouts isn’t just about getting more nutrients. It’s about feeling better every day. Imagine having better digestion, a stronger immune system, and more energy. Sprouts can help you get there.

And the best part? You can easily add them to your meals. Toss them into salads, blend them into smoothies, or pile them onto sandwiches. They’re fresh, crunchy, and oh-so-good for you.

You don’t need a green thumb to grow your own sprouts. At The Sprouting Company, we’ve got you covered with easy-to-use sprouting kits. In just a few days, you’ll have a fresh batch of nutrient-packed sprouts ready to boost your meals and your health.

Want to Know More? Dive Into the Science

If you’re curious about the nitty-gritty details, check out the full study below, titled "Edible Plant Sprouts: Nutritional and Health Benefits" by Aloo et al. (2021). It’s packed with info on why sprouts are a must for anyone looking to live healthier. 


Sprouts are small, but they make a big impact. Adding them to your diet is one of the easiest ways to boost your health. Whether you’re looking to feel better, eat better, or just add something new to your routine, sprouts are the answer. So let’s get growing!


Full Study: Edible Plant Sprouts: Health Benefits, Trends, and Opportunities for Novel Exploration

By Simon Okomo Aloo, Fred Kwame Ofosu, Sheila M. Kilonzi, Umair Shabbir, and Deog Hwan Oh


The consumption of plant sprouts as part of human day-to-day diets is gradually increasing, and their health benefit is attracting interest across multiple disciplines. The purpose of this review was to (a) critically evaluate the phytochemicals in selected sprouts (alfalfa, buckwheat, broccoli, and red cabbage), (b) describe the health benefits of sprouts, (c) assess the recent advances in sprout production, (d) rigorously evaluate their safety, and (e) suggest directions that merit special consideration for further novel research on sprouts. Young shoots are characterized by high levels of health-benefitting phytochemicals. Their utility as functional ingredients have been extensively described. Tremendous advances in the production and safety of sprouts have been made over the recent past and numerous reports have appeared in mainstream scientific journals describing their nutritional and medicinal properties. However, subjects such as application of sprouted seed flours in processed products, utilizing sprouts as leads in the synthesis of nanoparticles, and assessing the dynamics of a relationship between sprouts and gut health require special attention for future clinical exploration. Sprouting is an effective strategy allowing manipulation of phytochemicals in seeds to improve their health benefits.


As people become increasingly conscious about the relationship between diets and health, attention is shifting towards assessing better methods to improve the functionality of foods. In the recent past, there has been a growing popularity of sprouted edible seeds in human diets [1]. Today, there is an increased accumulation of a vast store of knowledge relating to the therapeutic properties of sprouted foods; what is more, with the recent coronavirus outbreak, the demand for functional foods to improve body immunity is on the rise [2]. Initially, germinated legume seeds were the major type of sprouts consumed in the human diet whereas sprouted cereal grains have been mainly utilized as fodder for animals [3]. However, currently, a diverse range of sprouted foods originating from a broad range of seeds such as alfalfa, buckwheat, red cabbage, and broccoli sprouts have become popular and are widely consumed across the globe [4,5]. The growing popularity observed for sprouts is mainly due to their positive health impact. Sprouts have been associated with a variety of biologically active constituents with potential health benefits. For instance, Shi et al. stated that the increasing consumption of alfalfa sprouts is due to their high content of saponins and other useful bioactive compounds present in the germinated seeds [6]. Such compounds are known to possess antioxidant activity, antiviral activity, immune stimulant activity, and antidiabetic activity, among other functions in both humans and animals [6]. Across Asia, mostly in countries such as Japan, China, and Korea, the consumption of buckwheat sprouts in the form of noodles is significantly increasing [4]. Sprouted buckwheat is well-known for its antioxidant, antihypocholesterolemic, and neuroprotective functions [7] while red cabbage and broccoli sprouts are popular brassica vegetables that exhibit antimicrobial, anticancer, as well as anti-obesity properties [5].

Over decades, significant progress has been made concerning sprout production. More sophisticated technologies have been assessed, and examinations of various methods to enhance the functional properties of edible plant sprouts are still underway [1]. Likewise, the scientific literature on the production and health benefits of germinated edible seeds has dramatically increased. Reviews on new developments on sprouts have been published [7–9]. Nevertheless, despite this vast knowledge about the relationship between sprouts and health, there are still aspects of sprouts that require more emphasis. A more updated assessment of active metabolites, recent advances in technologies, and new applications of germinated seeds is still required. The assessment is especially beneficial to sprout developers who are in constant need of updated information to enable them to produce cheaper but high-quality seed germinates. This review offers a summary of the phytochemicals present in sprouts with a focus on legumes (alfalfa), cereals (buckwheat), and vegetable (red cabbage and broccoli) sprouts and their health benefits. The review provides implications of recent technologies in enhancing the biological activity and safety of sprouted seeds. In addition, an attempt is made to identify intriguing areas of investigation on edible sprouts that merit special consideration for further research.

Germination Process of Seeds

Germination is a common physical method that has been used over the past to enhance the safety and nutritional value of edible seeds [10]. The processing method activates enzymes in a dormant seed and triggers various enzymatic activities leading to the breakdown of stored proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids into simpler forms [11]. During the process, the degradation of sugars, free amino acids, and organic acids is significantly increased [12]. The processes ultimately increase the bioavailability of active compounds in sprouted seeds. The complex physical and metabolic changes that occur during the process of germination can be grouped into decontamination, soaking, and sprouting stages. Due to the possible contamination of seeds during the handling process, chemicals including calcium hypochlorite and sodium hypochlorite are commonly used to kill microbes on seeds before sprouting [13].

Soaking is usually performed using water or any other soaking solution such as a salt solution to allow seeds to absorb moisture and rehydrate before germination. Soaking provides a conducive environment for the growth of bacteria because bacteria grow best in the presence of moisture, hence, it is necessary to change soaking water frequently to prevent the growth of microorganisms [14]. Excessive soaking may enhance the microbial accumulation and the fermentation of seeds while insufficient soaking does not support the augmentation of phytochemical content in seeds [14]. Therefore, parameters such as seed weight/water volume ratio, time, and temperature of soaking are monitored for optimum soaking. In general, depending on the characteristics of different seeds, soaking can be performed for up to 24 h at room temperature [12]. Adding a little salt to the soaking solution and aeration during soaking can improve the absorption of water by soaked seeds [15]. The sprouting stage is key and sensitive since it determines the final component of sprouted seeds. Several factors such as light, temperature, time, and moisture must be closely monitored because they are responsible for changes in seeds during sprouting. Generally, sprouting is commonly performed in the dark and the temperature is maintained between 10–20 °C for most seed species [16]. Sprouting time depends on the purpose of the sprout. However, for most edible seeds, the time ranges between 3 and 5 days during which significant changes take place in the seed composition and mature sprouts are harvested [16].

Phytochemicals in Selected Edible Plant Sprouts

Sprouts are a potential natural source of diverse bioactive compounds with various health-benefitting effects in the prevention and treatment of diseases [17]. Microcomponents of alfalfa sprouts which include trace elements such as copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), and selenium (Se) play fundamental roles in controlling oxidative stress and free radical balance in various physiological processes. Mn, a constituent of manganese superoxide dismutase (Mn-SOD), is an enzyme which averts the effects of free radicals on mitochondria [18]. The high concentration of Mn in alfalfa sprouts can aid in stimulating insulin secretion and improve insulin function in diabetic patients [19]. On the other hand, Cu is a component of cytochrome oxidase and plays a critical role as a free oxygen scavenger. Se forms a structural part of several glutathione peroxidase enzymes which act as regulators in the redox state of various biomolecules [18]. Alfalfa sprouts are also rich in vitamins such as vitamin B complex [20], vitamins C and E [21]. Moreover, a diverse number of phenolic compounds (gallic and caffeic acids), flavonoids (apigenin, kaempferol, myricetin, naringin, quercetin, rutin, daidzein, and genistein) can be found in a substantial amount in alfalfa sprouts [22]. These compounds are responsible for antidiabetic, anti-obesity, antioxidant, as well as many other biological activities. Other non-phenols such as the saponin component of alfalfa play key biological functions in the body [23]. Saponins and their derivatives such as prosapogenins and sapogenins have been reported to exert a high antimicrobial activity against yeasts and bacterial strains [24]. Studies also reveal that saponins can inhibit cholesterol esterase, acetyl coenzyme, and carboxylase enzymes, thereby preventing fatty acid synthesis in the body [19]. The inhibitory function of saponins on fatty acids synthesis helps balance the ratio between high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.

Buckwheat is a cereal plant belonging to family Polygonaceae containing approximately 1200 species [25]. It exists as common buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) and Tartary buckwheat (Fagopyrum tataricum Gaertn.) [26]. Buckwheat is considered to be a valued source of high-quality proteins, fats, dietary fibers, as well as mineral nutrients [27]. Common buckwheat sprouts contain abundant flavonoids including orientin, vitexin, rutin, and their derivatives [28]. Anthocyanins, C-glycosylflavones (orientin, isoorientin, vitexin, and isovitexin), rutin, and quercetin are involved in the antioxidant activity of buckwheat [29,30]. Tartary buckwheat is composed of rutin as the major flavonoid component playing key roles in various health-promoting activities [31]. Other compounds including vitamins C and E, β-carotene, and γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) have been shown to possess potential health benefits in buckwheat [32–34].

Vegetables of the family Brassica such as broccoli and red cabbage are of great interest in nutrition. Studies have linked the intake of Brassica vegetables to reduced health risks related to aging [7]. Among the ingredients responsible for the health effects of these vegetables are phenolic compounds such as anthocyanins [35,36]. Red cabbage is specifically rich in acylated anthocyanins responsible for the positive effects on the gastrointestinal tract [37,38]. Broccoli sprouts contain gallic, kaempferol, chlorogenic, sinapinic benzoic, quercetin, and ferulic acids which have been shown to exert health benefits in the body [39]. The major non-phenolic compound reported in almost all the Brassica vegetables is glucosinolates (GLs) [40]. Glucosinolates (GLs) are synthesized from a small number of primary amino acids including tyrosine, phenylalanine, and tryptophan [41]. These metabolites are found inside vacuoles and can be degraded by the myrosinase enzyme into simpler, active forms such as isothiocyanates and thiocyanates [41,42]. Several GLs have been identified in broccoli [43]. Among these, glucoraphanin is the dominant and most known GLs in broccoli sprouts composing 81% of the total GLs content [44]. GLs in the vegetables are inactive, but they can be hydrolyzed to generate the active form, sulforaphane (4-methylsulfinylbutyl isothiocyanate) in plants and upon digestion in humans [45]. Myrosinase enzyme, a family of enzymes involved in plant defense mechanism and also present in the human gut catalyzes the conversion of GLs into active form improving their bioavailability [46].

Health Benefits of Sprouts

Antioxidant Activity

The antioxidant activity is determined by means of ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP), 1,1-diphenyl-2-picryl-hydrazyl antioxidant assay (DPPH), Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity (TEAC), or 2,2′-azino-bis-3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid radical scavenging assay (ABTS). As a result of their therapeutic potential against radical damages, the antioxidant activity of plant extracts has been a major focus of research. Numerous phenolic and nonphenolic compounds in sprouts have been identified to have antioxidant activities. The activity of ascorbic acid in sprouts has been described [21]. Similarly, GLs in broccoli and red cabbage have been shown to exhibit radical scavenging activities [47]. Consequently, sprouts have gradually received appreciation for their functional properties.

Cytotoxic Activity

Human exposure to chemicals and nanoparticles is inevitable since these substances are frequently encountered in day-to-day life. Some chemicals as well as some nanoparticles can cause substantial cytotoxic effects in the body. Recently, exposure to toxic substances has led to a rise in cancer as a global health concern. In 2018 only, there were 599,274 cancer-related deaths in the United States [48]. Due to the high mortality rate of cancer patients, scientists have investigated the role of plant sprouts in cancer management. A study by Gawlik-Dziki et al. on the effect of phenolic compounds on anticancer activity of broccoli sprouts revealed a significant inhibitory activity of sprouts on the progression of prostate cancer [39]. Drozdowska et al. also demonstrated the ability of young shoots of red cabbage to exert higher anticancer activity compared to mature vegetables due to the high content of GLs in young sprouts [49]. Some reports revealed that the alteration of gene expression induced by active compounds in buckwheat is one of the contributing factors to anticancer inhibitory effects of buckwheat sprouts [7]. The phenolic compounds in buckwheat including rutin and quercetin can induce apoptosis of cancer cells, cell cycle arrest (limiting cells from growing to the G1 phase), prevent cytotoxicity, as well as inhibit migration and progression of cells [50,51]. Alfalfa L-canavanine possesses a potent inhibitory effect against cancer cells [52]. Moreover, 3-terpene derivatives and 5-flavonoid [53], β-carotene, and lutein [20] have been reported as anticancer phytochemicals in alfalfa making sprouted seeds key targets in cancer chemoprevention and therapy.

Antidiabetic Activity

Diabetes mellitus is a group of metabolic diseases characterized by elevated blood sugar levels (hyperglycemia). The disease originates from multiple factors involving either defects in insulin secretion or errors in insulin action, and sometimes both of these incidences may simultaneously lead to hyperglycemia [54]. The interest in finding inhibitors that can block or delay carbohydrate hydrolysis with enzymes such as alpha-glucosidases and reduce the accumulation of sugar is shaping research in diabetes treatment [55]. Studies have demonstrated that most natural antioxidants in plant sprouts can exert the action of defense mechanisms against oxidative stress and inhibit primary enzymes which hydrolyze carbohydrates into simple sugars [56–59]. In addition, the formation of advanced glycation end-products (AGEs) is prevalent in diabetic patients and can contribute to the development of osteoporosis [60]. A broccoli sprout extract was reported to possess a substantial role in preventing the formation of AGEs by inhibiting inflammatory reactions in endothelial cells [61]. In another study, 5% SFN-rich broccoli sprout extract significantly lowered the formation of AGEs in vitro [62].

Hypocholesterolemic and Anti-Obesity Activity

Increased cholesterol intake can induce oxidative stress in the body leading to elevation of low-density lipoproteins (LDL) and their oxidized form (oxLDL). This can subsequently lead to the development of atherosclerosis and other related cardiovascular diseases [7]. Both in vitro and in vivo studies have supported the role of sprouted seeds in protective effects against heart-related diseases caused by imbalanced cholesterol levels [63]. Lin et al. examined the hypolipidemic activity of buckwheat seeds and sprouts [63]. The study indicated that serum levels of LDL cholesterol were significantly decreased by buckwheat meals (seed and sprout meals), indicating a potent inhibitory effect of buckwheat sprouts against the hypolipidemic condition [63]. On the other hand, alfalfa sprouts have been associated with an inhibitory effect against cholesterol absorption and their reduction in the blood plasma [64,65]. The hypocholesterolemic activity of alfalfa sprouts has been related to increased conversion of hepatic cholesterol to bile salts by alfalfa saponins, leading to their loss in the feces [66]. Broccoli and red cabbage sprouts reduce hepatic cholesterol levels due to their high GL levels [67].

Antiviral Activity

Viral infections are among the major causes of death globally [68]. In the past, various antiviral agents were developed for use in different viral infections: human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis B and C, and influenza [68]. However, as a result of their constant clinical use, there have appeared perilous drug-resistant viral strains [69]. The dose-limiting toxic effects of some antivirals in immunocompromised persons also limit the efforts to find a cure for viruses [68]. Hence, scientists have intensified research on developing antiviral agents from plant bioactive molecules to cope up with these challenges [70]. Short-term ingestion of broccoli has been recommended to enhance response to influenza virus-induced markers of inflammation, and also to reduce the virus quantity in predisposed individuals [71]. Besides, consumption of sprouts such as those from mung beans has been reported to reduce viral infection [70]. The relative efficacy of various sprouts or sprout extracts on viruses offers a possibility for research on the future of antiviral phytoagents. The discovery of safe and effective antiviral agents from these extracts may secure humanity against drug-resistant viruses.

Antiatherosclerosis Activity

Cardiovascular diseases remain the chief cause of death in many countries, and atherosclerosis has been categorized as the major condition accounting for the majority of deaths in the United States and Western Europe [72]. The dietary approach to attenuate cardiovascular risk factors is key in the management of atherosclerosis. It has been reported that sprouted seeds are important in the prevention of atherosclerosis. Alteration of steroid excretion by diet modification is a primary means of reducing susceptibility to atherosclerosis. Compounds in broccoli sprouts have been shown to boost the body’s ability to mop up predisposing factors to this condition [73]. In alfalfa, cholesterol–saponin interactions is suggested as the mechanism for antiatherosclerosis activity of sprouts in the in vivo animal model [74]. Thus, alfalfa sprouts are a good dietary source of antiatherosclerosis phytochemicals. Moreover, other biological functions such as antistress activity of sprouts have been described in the literature [75,76]. Thus, consuming sprouts with improved phytochemicals may help reduce effects of stress.

Recent Novel Approach for Enhancing Biological Activities of Sprouts

Recent investigations have shown that sprouting can enhance the accumulation of secondary metabolites. Several techniques have been employed to enhance accumulation of bioactive compounds in germinated seeds.

Application of Slightly Acidified Electrolyte Water as an Elicitor in Sprouts

Slightly acidified electrolyte water (SAEW) with a near-neutral pH and chlorine concentration (ACC) can be generated by electrolyzing diluted HCl using a non-membrane electrolytic cell [84]. The SAEW is considered a novel, effective, and relatively inexpensive disinfectant in the food industry [85]. It is environmentally friendly and is regarded as a safe (GRAS) sanitizer. It has been authorized for use in foodstuffs by the Japanese government [86]. In addition to suppressing microbial growth, the SAEW may also influence morphological characteristics and biochemical composition of sprouts [33,86,87]. The SAEW promotes the growth of mung bean sprouts [84,88] since its peroxide (H2O2) can act as a signal molecule during the germination process [89]. The SAEW could accumulate bioactive compounds in germinated seeds and subsequently improve the sprout bioactivity. It promotes the inhibitory activity of angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE) in fermented soybeans [90] alpha glucosidase activity of buckwheat sprouts [91]. SAEW improves the expression of some genes such as Bo-Elong, BCAT, and CY which participate in the synthesis of GLs thereby influencing the content in the germinating seeds [85]. Besides, SAEW promotes the dual accumulation of GABA and rutin of Tartary buckwheat sprouts [33]. The GABA accumulation is the result of SAEW activation of glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) [26]. SAEW also possesses regulatory activity for key enzymes such as phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) involved in phytochemical synthesis during the germination of seeds [33].

Microbial Safety of Sprouts

Intervention Strategies for the Microbial Safety of Sprouts

During the germination of seeds, carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins are broken down into simple molecules that can be easily digested and eventually absorbed [12]. Before sprouting, seeds are soaked in a solution and then maintained in a humid environment favorable for sprouting. Bacteria and associated biofilms grow well under conditions with enough moisture and sufficient nutrients. Thus, the settings of sprouting are ideal for bacterial proliferation. The sprouting stage has been categorized as the major source of bacterial contamination in sprouts because bacteria present in the seeds can become internalized in the process of sprouting if not inactivated [127,128]. However, sprouts can be contaminated at any time within the food chain. Washing using clean water and rinsing can minimize infection. Unfortunately, the use of simple methods is not reliable since they cannot remove all the potential pathogens from food surfaces. Furthermore, since sprouts are consumed with minimum processing, high risks are involved in sprout consumption. Sprout-related hazards call for attention and continuous assessment of decontamination methods that will ensure elimination of the pathogenic bacteria and ensure the safety of sprouts [129,130]. Outbreaks involving sprouts have been reported in the past (Table 2). Recently, the United States have recorded an increased number of cases associated with the consumption of sprouts. Between 2010 and 2017, there were major occurrences of multistate outbreaks of E. coli linked to sprouts [130]. Clover and alfalfa sprouts were implicated in most of these outbreaks. Between 2011 and 2012, E. coli O26 infection associated with sprouts occurred, with the clover sprouts prepared from contaminated seeds reported as the major culprit [130,131]. Physical treatments and chlorine-based compounds have been proposed to improve the microbial safety of sprouts [126]. Thus, due to inability to completely eradicate pathogens from these products, sprouts have become the major fresh products associated with food infection [132–134]. As a result, studies have investigated the methods described below as replacements to conventional approaches in sprout decontamination.

New Horizons in Sprout Studies

Could Metabolic Engineering or Biotransformation Be a Solution to the Diversity of Sprout Metabolites?

Plants contain an enormous number of various biologically active chemicals for possible screening. Nevertheless, there is a dilemma in this diversity due to the innate dynamic change of metabolites in plants during seed germination which makes profiling of the desired group of phytochemicals a serious challenge [158]. A possible solution might be provided in using metabolic engineering (ME) or biotransformation. ME is a targeted improvement of cellular properties by either modifying some biochemical pathways or through the introduction of new reactions using the recombinant DNA technology [159,160]. It is recognized as a crucial tool in accumulating natural bioactive compounds in plants [159]. The technique may enable numerous endogenous biochemical pathways to be manipulated during the germination of seeds leading to the generation of targeted secondary metabolites. It has been used to enhance the levels of selected biologically active compounds such as flavonols, quercetin, and kaempferol in plants [159]. ME of bioactive compounds offers an opportunity for further research to allow the production of engineered sprouts.

On the other hand, biotransformation methods including fermentation and other approaches can be used to improve the quality of sprouts [160]. Germination of seeds combined with biotransformation may produce synergistic effects which may lead to the conversion of various metabolites into new ones for targeted biological functions. A study by Fica et al. indicated that protein supplements from Spirulina enhanced the recovery of nutrient-deficient patients; the patients gained weight and their overall health significantly improved [161,162]. So far, spirulina has been used in China as a baby food in baked barley sprouts [161]. Yeast has been successfully used in the production of flavanones through gene expression involving PAL, cinnamate-4-hydroxylase (C4H), 4-coumarate-CoA (4CL), chalcone synthase (CHS) genes [159]. Moreover, after germination, sprouts can be subjected to biotransformation treatments to allow production of desired metabolites as described for buckwheat sprouts fermented using yeast strains [163]. The use of biotransformation not only offers a new approach to enhance the production of the desired plant metabolites, but it also provides possibilities for producing stable products with desirable properties [158].


Plant sprouts have been widely investigated, and their relationship to human health has been established, including their roles in reducing risks related to chronic conditions (obesity, diabetes, and cytotoxicity), oxidative stress, and microbial safety. In the past decades, numerous advances have been made on sprout development, their biological activities, and applications. However, there still exist areas that have remained partially exploited. For instance, the relationship of sprouts and gut health, application of sprouts in the synthesis of nanoparticles, and the prospect of wider application of sprouted seed flours in processed products are themes that require further research. Germination can be a promising strategy to manipulate plant chemical components and improve their health benefits.


Aloo, S. O., Ofosu, F. K., Safo-Kantanka, A., Obeng, E. M., & Owusu, M. W. (2021). Edible plant sprouts: Nutritional and health benefits. Nutrients, 13(8), 2882. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu13082882


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